Take contact with Ukonhonka for cottages to rent

Contact Information

For your questions related to our cottages, your booking and unclearitiies during your stay, you can reach us by calling, sending us a (Whatsapp/SMS) message and email us. For a prompt reply, we recommend you to call us.

Our contact details


046 964 5578 (if you are calling from abroad: +358 46 964 5578)
Email ukonhonka@gmail.com
WhatsApp Send us a message through this link: Whatsapp

Billing information

E-address (EIA code)       003732793973
Service ID 003721291126
E-address (IBAN) FI54 5271 0420 5192 91
Billing email ukonhonka@gmail.com
Address Ukonhonka Oy
Mäkitie 8, 52200 Puumala
Business ID 3279397-3

Inquire about collaborations

Do you have a local business in/around Puumala or Lake Saimaa and see opportunities to collaborate? We are open to discussing ideas. To get in contact, give us a call or send us an email!

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